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E-commerce businesses have seen a steep rise since the last few years, especially in the influence of pandemic. Also it is another advantage of the internet to put your business in front of the world. You can have a workshop in a single room and yet you can reach till the faraway country. The phrase “sky's the limit” turns true here!

But this all is not as easy as it seems. Since the internet is so huge to hold data from the world and search engines  need to manage it in order to be easy to use for the visitors, they follow certain parameters to create ways for us. To show the most relevant answers to the queries, search engines arrange the websites and link in an order of most relevant to the least. This makes it super easy for the user to get their most suitable answer in no time. 

How is that relevant to e-commerce? This is the most important parameter and algorithm one needs to keep in note while shifting or creating a business based online reach and traffic. As a website, being a possible answer to certain queries, you need to prove your relevance to the search engine, that will promote your traffic and visibility to your potential customers. 

What helps you in the whole process is Search Engine Optimization, a process to make your website fit for the search engine algorithm. How? Here’s the whole answer to it. 

- Creating a Brand

Brand is not just about big names and huge communities, and mad followers. We know stores and websites that we visited some time and still remember them, look for them when we need that particular product. This is a type of brand image as well when people visit you and remember your features and look for you the next time they visit. These revisits make you look authentic to google, that eventually rates you better, keeps you up on the ranks. 

Making your website look attractive, having an interactive user interface and direct, relevant answer to your query makes you stand out in the huge crowd. 

- Organic Presence

Google search results are a mix of paid ads as well as organic search results. These paid ads are quite clear to notice and make them easy to distinguish. People who are really seeking the service or product never fall in the trap of google ads instead look for organically appearing answers. These are potential leads and customers for you to gain attention. Your presence through paid ads can make you lose more potential visitors and leave you with meaningless traffic. 

SEO here makes you appear in the organic results, with real solutions and products, that just not attract the right traffic but make sure you do not lose your authenticity to the search engine. Your optimized website shows up through the right and most appropriate keywords used for searching exactly what you offer. Thus the visitor spends more time and revisits the solutions you provide, proving your relevance and increasing your rank. This brings you better and meaningful traffic, increasing your sales eventually. 

- The use of phrases

Every now and then google changes its algo to fit in the ever changing trends and patterns of queries. The recent updates of the continuous process of upgrades are about the phrase searches. As per recent research, including long tail keywords and new patterns, create around 40% of global searches. These long tails are specific and subjective, thus have greater share than regular keywords in both the conversion rate and increasing your relevance. 

The ecommerce SEO solutions target the keywords that are most suitable for your niche and creates maximum profit through bringing highly interactive, organic traffic. Keyword search during the SEO process is all about finding the best match with balanced engagement and competition norms. 

Phrases or long tails are subjective and specific, they create a win-win deal for you and the visitors as well. The long tails are used in queries for intent to buy the service or product thus the traffic that reaches you is already sorted, and the competition for long tails is generally low, which saves you from large crowds. 

- Long-term partnership 

SEO is a longer process than paid ads, this requires more technical on-page and off-page changes. It has a whole algo to follow, researches to conduct and alot to update and edit. It starts from the structure of your website, with user interface till the very outer presence of your e-store. This all sounds like a huge process, and to invest in requires promised results. You get all the desired, long term and organic results that saves you from loopholes and expenses of paid ads, and keeps you standing tall in your industry in the long run. SEO for ecommerce is a continuous process, since it’s the most ethical and proper fit process for search engine algos, if executed by experts and proper attention, it surely can turn a small ecommerce store into a huge brand and biggest names in the industry.